In an exclusive Health Digest survey, we asked participants which scientifically-backed methods they incorporate to decrease the stress they experience.
Peter Young, M.D., medical director for Keeps, gave an exclusive interview to Health Digest, debunking some of the most prevalent myths surrounding hair loss.
Actress Kirstie Alley passed away at 71 from colon cancer and her death has doctors issuing an important warning. Read on to find out what you should know.
More and more studies are finding that our mental and physical health are inextricably linked. So can your gut bacteria play a role in your mental health?
Getting the cold can be a real bummer. Now, scientists may have identified a new factor in why we get them, suggesting they don't call it a cold for no reason.
Vlogger and TikTok star Josh Herbert shared how he prepared for his first-ever Ironman Triathlon and how the experience has changed his regular fitness routine.
In an exclusive interview with Health Digest, Sonia Jhas, author and coach, explains why we should be vehemently rejecting the revival of "Heroin Chic."
A recent study in the Journal of the American Heart Association says having shingles can increase your risk of heart disease or stroke for 12 years or more.
This year's flu season has been the worst in over a decade. Learn how the government is using the COVID response model to handle rising hospitalizations.
Dietitian and TikTok star Stephanie Grasso explained why she doesn't like intermittent fasting and what she recommends people do instead for healthier eating.
On December 1, 2022, the Biden administration unveiled a plan that aims to put an end to HIV/AIDS for good. Here's what you should know about the plan.
Eating plays a huge role in how we feel -- and not just in regards to digestion. So what happens when our gut isn't happy, and how can we help make it better?
Registered dietitian and TikTok star Stephanie Grasso explained how to read nutrition labels and why it will give you a better idea of how you're eating.
Melissa Claire Egan and writer Josh Griffith of "The Young and the Restless" discuss the effect of mental health representation in an exclusive interview.
Shingles is an inconvenient and painful condition. But new research shows that shingles may increase a person's risk for other long-lasting complications, too.