Skipping food in favor of simply drinking water isn't likely to lead to lasting weight loss, and it could be dangerous. Here are the risks of the water diet.
The foods you eat can have a significant effect on your weight. If you're attempting to slim down, you're going to want to avoid these foods in particular.
When you start the keto diet, the eating plan could come with side effects including the keto flu. These are the symptoms of keto flu and how to treat them.
Success on the keto diet is entirely possible. It's just a matter of avoiding some big mistakes that everyone tends to make when embarking on the plan.
The lectin-free diet calls for removing all high-lectin foods from one's diet. Learn the possible benefits and risks of taking up the lectin-free diet.
Not sure what to eat on the keto diet? For optimal weight loss and health benefits, you will want to stick to these foods when you're on the ketogenic plan.
The MIND diet is shorthand for the Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. This is what you should and shouldn't eat on the MIND diet.
Health professionals agree that vitamin D is a beneficial nutrient that people may not receive enough of despite it being readily available in sunlight.
Thinking about trying the Whole30 diet? It's important to know that, for better and worse, your body will certainly change when embarking on this program.
Like the popular Mediterranean diet, the Nordic diet is a healthy way of eating, with a focus on local, sustainable foods found in Scandinavian countries.
If you've struggled to stick with any type of restrictive diet in the past, a simple way to potentially lose weight while still feeling satisfied might be to just slow down your eating.