Does daily egg white consumption really have a beneficial impact on high blood pressure? Recent studies have revealed some interesting findings for egg lovers.
This fruit juice may not be among those you drink on a regular basis. However, it contains nutrients that can protect your heart as well as help you poop.
Eating high-fiber foods can help lower your blood pressure. You should consider adding more fiber-rich foods to your diet, like this underrated root vegetable.
Viagra emerged almost 30 years ago, and it remains one of the most popular drugs to treat erectile dysfunction. However, it could also affect blood pressure.
If you enjoy sweet potatoes, then you may also want to give yams a try. It turns out, they are rich in nutrients that protect against cancer and heart disease.
For avid snackers sticking to a low-carb diet, there's an easy-to-prepare option that not only has cholesterol-lowering properties, but also helps you poop.
If you have high cholesterol levels, there are a number of ways you can improve your health. One is to incorporate helpful foods into your everyday diet.
If you're tuning in to the Super Bowl, there's a chance your blood pressure will rise -- not just because of the results, but also due to poor snack choices.
If you're suffering from high blood pressure or constipation, there is a certain type of vegetable juice that can help with either - or both - of those.
The next time you visit your local grocery, make sure you pick up this underrated vegetable that's closely related to broccoli. It can help your blood pressure.
Regardless of why you do it, skipping breakfast could be affecting your blood pressure. Here's what to know about starting your day in a heart-healthy way.
As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But could biting into this crunchy fruit daily be the unexpected key to lowering high cholesterol?
Health experts warn against drinking alcohol for evidence-based reasons. As it turns out, even just one drink between meals can affect your blood pressure.
People who are monitoring their heart health should avoid certain kinds of food. These foods, some of which may be surprising, may cause high cholesterol.
While there are many types of juice that you can drink, you may want to consider this underrated juice that can lower both blood pressure and cholesterol.
Eating Greek yogurt in moderation can have positive effects on your health. But an unexpected effect on your cholesterol can come with consuming it daily.
Adding squash to your diet can provide many health benefits. According to an expert, a specific kind of winter squash can help with your risk of some diseases.
You may have heard of AG1 drinks being marketed as a nutritious option for the health-conscious. But what are these drinks, and can they lower high cholesterol?
Although these cholesterol medications are some of the safest and most effective, they can come with unwanted side effects. We asked a doctor to explain.
In case you were wondering if there are any health benefits to eating rice protein powder, research suggests it can affect blood pressure in a suprising way.
Did you know, you can boost the ability of your hot cocoa to lower your cholesterol by adding even more of a substance that naturally occurs in this beverage.