Kidney stones are a common and painful ailment, but there are certain things you can do to help avoid them. Here are some expert tips from a urologist.
If you're experiencing uncomfortable allergy symptoms, it might be hard to tell what's triggering them. Here's how to determine if mold might be the cause.
Many people now consider the pandemic a thing of the past. However, officials continue to monitor COVID-19's development, which has led to some concerns.
There are various treatment options for toenail fungus. Surprisingly, some people may also choose to use Vicks VapoRub. Here's how it might help treat it.
In an exclusive interview with Health Digest, Joshua Carothers, an orthopedist, explains what he does as a physician and when you should pay a visit to one.
Antidepressants can have effects beyond treating depression, including pain relief. Does this mean they can also relieve migraines? Here's what science says.
Although the FDA has approved topiramate to treat seizures for people with epilepsy, research has found that the drug can reduce alcohol cravings. Here's how.
Unfortunately, maternity has its own ups and downs, and postpartum hair loss is something that may happen. Can prenatal vitamins prevent postpartum hair loss?
PCOS treatment may include the drug Metformin. In order to understand how medications like Metformin work, it's important to first understand what causes PCOS.
Some scientists suggest that synthetic alcohol might be able to put an end to the problem of alcoholism. Here's what we currently know about synthetic alcohol
It's important to be able to distinguish between a spider bite and a MRSA infection. Both may appear similar, but there are key differences to keep in mind.
People with seasonal allergies might be finding their symptoms starting earlier in the spring or lingering longer in the fall. This isn't a fluke. Here's why.
There are many causes of numbness and tingling in the body. Most times, it's harmless, but sometimes, it's caused by a medical condition. Read on to learn more.
Mitochondrial disease refers to a group of individual genetic disorders resulting from insufficient energy production in the body. Learn more about it here.
After weight loss surgery, it's important to follow a proper diet and avoid certain foods immediately following the procedure, such as nuts. Here's why.