Costco offers its shoppers a lot more than the opportunity to shop in bulk. Here's what you should know before you visit one of Costco's trained opticians.
Burns are one of the most common injuries. As our skin heals from a burn, itching can be a common side effect. Learn why it happens and what to do about it.
Used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections, amoxicillin is among the most frequently prescribed medications. But is it safe for pregnant people to take?
Plan B can be thought of as a sort of backup plan. But if you regularly take birth control pills, you may be wondering: is it safe to take Plan B, too?
As we age, what we eat can help play a role in staving off memory loss. Studies have narrowed it down to three specific foods that are especially helpful.
Regularly moving your body allows blood and oxygen to circulate. If you're stuck in the same position, your brain won't get a fresh flow of oxygen and blood.
Though you have muscles throughout the body, pulled muscles tend to occur in certain areas. Here are some insights into their causes, treatment, and prevention.
If you need to know which shots or medications are recommended for your destination, one option is Costco's travel immunization service. Here's what it offers.
Preeclampsia is a potentially fatal pregnancy complication. In an exclusive interview with Health Digest, Hack tells us the symptoms of severe preeclampsia.
We lean heavily on our five senses to interpret the world around us. But the scientific community is exploring the idea that we may have far more than five.
As tasty as they can be, processed meats aren't very good for your health. A new study shares some insight as to whether they might cause type 2 diabetes.
Luxuriating in a hot shower after a taxing day is bound to wash away all our stressors, right? So why is your calming shower leaving you with a migraine?
Even though your feet probably don't get as much sun exposure as other parts of your body, you could get cancer on your feet. Here's what to look out for.
Some evidence suggests that environmental factors may influence a person's likelihood of developing multiple sclerosis -- including one's geographical location.
While a sunny day can be bothersome to our eyes (no matter what color they are), for some, this brightness can be all the more powerful. But why does it happen?
It might seem strange to drink the same chemical that your parents used to clean your cuts as a kid -- but some claim hydrogen peroxide can cure many ailments.
Even if you practice good sleep hygiene every night, allergies can often wreck your ability to sleep. Here's why the symptoms might seem worse at night.
As many as 75 per every 100 women experience the discomfort of at least one vaginal yeast infection during their lifetime. How can you prevent the condition?