DIY whitening treatments can be a great alternative to the expense of visiting your dentist. But, is using aluminum foil to whiten your teeth a good idea?
You don't want to worry about your birth control not working in an emergency. Let's explore a few unexpected reasons why Plan B might not work for you.
Hair loss on the legs can happen at any time in life, but it is more common in men. It also has various causes that are important to investigate thoroughly.
Having trouble getting sleep at night? According to experts, the secret to getting a good night's sleep may actually be this hack involving a breakfast staple.
One thing that could give you a clue as to whether you're extroverted is your sleeping position. You are more likely to be extroverted if you sleep like this.
According to recent research, your bowel movements may actually reveal some important things about your risk of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline.
Everyone experiences constipation once in a while, but what if it becomes a recurring problem? Here are some effective ways to get yourself to poop instantly.
It may surprise some to learn that aluminum foil has been used for relieving burn patients' pain for quite some time. Here's what you need to know about it.
Are you bothered by the fact that you always seem to be craving fruit? If you just can't get enough of apples or strawberries, here are some possible reasons.
There are many explanations why some people don't take their medications on time (or at all) despite their doctor's orders. Here are some unexpected reasons.
Did you know that eating a certain food can help ward off tooth decay? Your first thought might be of a fruit or vegetable, but it's actually a type of cheese.
High cholesterol is often treated with statins, but lifestyle changes help too. In fact, adding this spice to your diet might help shave off a few points.
We are often told to manage our cholesterol levels for better health. Fortunately, there are excellent ways to lower high cholesterol levels without medication.
Eyelid twitching is usually temporary. However, if you find that your eyelid twitching is ongoing, certain medications like this one could be the cause.
If your hair is thinning, you may be focusing on lifestyle issues outside the food you eat. But this food is both an aphrodisiac and can help with hair growth.
Doc Spartan's co-owner, Dale King, was quite memorable in Season 8 of "Shark Tank" with his American flag shorts. But where is the skincare company today?
You may not notice, but one of your nostrils is likely taking in more air than the other. But what does it mean when you can only breathe through one nostril?
When you think of things that can help you get a good night's sleep, "replacing pillows" might not be a top-of-mind thought -- but it actually matters.
Have you ever wondered what happens to your skin just before your death? As it turns out, there may be a change in your skin's appearance before it happens.
When a beauty blogger shared her technique for removing blackheads that involved Vaseline and plastic wrap, people were divided. Here's what the experts say.