Have you ever experienced feeling physically weak after a strenuous bowel movement? Find out more about defecation syncope and what to do when it happens.
By addressing the different causes of nighttime coughing, you can achieve a more restful and peaceful night's sleep and maintain good respiratory health.
As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine -- but can laughter actually kill a person, if one were to laugh hard enough? Here's what research reveals.
Users are told to take ibuprofen with food or liquid. But, while sipping on water can make swallowing pills easier, it's not the best liquid to use. We explain.
Neil Joglekar and Justin Lee took the stage during Season 6 of "Shark Tank" to pitch their sleep-mask product Napwell. But is the company still around today?
Losing an organ might sound like a guaranteed fatal experience. But as it turns out, there are a few organs that you can safely live without. Keep reading.
Twerking might also be beneficial to your health. If you're looking for a method of dealing with stress, embracing a booty wiggle-like twerking could help.
For those who struggle with sleep, sleeping pills may be a helpful solution. However, they are not without side effects. Could they increase your risk of death?
While having a consistent exercise schedule is generally beneficial for the body, it's a different story when you're taking certain medications. Here's why.
Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes almost always seem to head straight for your ankles whenever they bite you? The answer is actually quite surprising.
Compression socks apply pressure to the legs and feet, improving blood flow and preventing the pooling of blood in the veins. But is it safe to sleep in them?
A headache doesn't automatically mean that something is wrong with your brain. If the pain happens on the left side of your head, here are the possible reasons.
If you gravitate toward this popular sleeping position, you are more likely to have an anxious personality type. We'll explain what researchers have learned.
Having a numb foot when you sit too long in the wrong position is harmless. However, there are serious medical conditions that can cause your foot to go numb.
Most people lose their appetite when they're sick. However, starving your body when you're down with a cold or flu is the worst thing you can do. Here's why.
While influenza is a common illness, there are certain habits that can make a person more susceptible to it. Avoid these behaviors to reduce your risk.
Most bloody noses will resolve within a few minutes, but this is how to know if your bloody nose is more serious and you need to go to a doctor for treatment.