If you've woke up with a racing heart, you may be wondering whether it's cause for concern. We'll explain what it means and when you might need to see a doctor.
Brushing your teeth is something you do every day, maybe even twice a day. Why not double your benefit by doing this easy core exercise at the same time?
Does milk really make you feel worse if you drink it while you're sick, or does the evidence say otherwise? As it turns out, the answer's a bit complicated.
It's common knowledge that excessive consumption of salt has been linked to various health conditions. Surprisingly, it could also affect your sex drive.
It may seem like an ideal course of action to take cough syrup right before bedtime, so you can doze off peacefully. Surprisingly, it's a serious mistake.
Waking up to a pus-filled pimple on an important day can be an incredibly frustrating experience. However, that blemish is serving an important function.
While few things are as satisfying as scratching an itch, there are many instances in which a little bit of self-control can prevent serious consequences.
Although some medications are best taken on an empty or full stomach, you might wonder if it's okay to take them just before bed. Our expert has the answer.
A sore in your mouth could be due to something minor, but it could also be a sign of something serious. Here's how to know if it needs medical attention.
Everyone experiences occasional constipation, but the reasons may sometimes be unclear. These common medications can prompt such uncomfortable situations.
"The Fall of the House of Usher" is a clever play between what's real and what's not, and viewers might be wondering how the disease called CADASIL fits in.
Passing out isn't fun, but there's often a very specific reason people do so at weddings, and it's something easily avoidable. Hint: don't lock your knees.
Britney Spears explained that she was prescribed lithium against her wishes and that she feared what long-term use of the drug would do. Here's what we know.
Odds are, you've probably experienced a bout of hiccups before and likely will again. But, is it actually possible that you could die from having hiccups?
Dying alone usually has a negative connotation attached to it, as if it is not a "good" death. However, there is a reason why some may wait to die alone.
Sleep problems are no joke. Next time you're struggling to catch some zzzs, look to a type of yoga breath to help you fall asleep - humming is the answer.
Left-handed people make up less of the population than their right-handed counterparts. This unique preference can have an unexpected effect on your sleep, too.