Sometimes when you are pooping and everything comes out as it should, you might notice a shiver of elation. Why is it that pooping can put you in a good mood?
Grocery shopping is a necessity, but did you know that you can improve your health prospects if you shop at the right time of day and right day of the week?
A catchy song can take hold of us and follow us around throughout the day much like our own shadow. Why is it that we just can't get that song out of our head?
There are numerous factors that can affect the quality of your sleep, including the shape of your jaw. Keep reading to learn the unexpected reason why.
The next time you're bothered by a stuffy nose, you might think of trying this TikTok hack. But is it safe, and does it really work? Here's what we know.
Dreaming about having to poop is actually quite common, according to psychological researchers. Here's what it could mean if you dream of having to poop.
While people are often advised to avoid sex before a big game, research shows that this may be nothing more than a myth. Here's what the science has to say.
It may come as a shock, but research suggests that having a specific personality trait may actually influence your chances of suffering chronic headaches.
You might think that it's okay to take medications with just about any liquid of your choice. But as it turns out, there's one beverage you should avoid.
In addition to causing annoying, itchy bites, mosquitos are carriers of deadly diseases. However, an up-and-coming mosquito repellent could change this.
If you're one of those people whose nose stings before they begin shedding some tears, you might be wondering why this occurs. We'll explain what it could mean.
If you're like most people, you've felt the urge to bite your palm when your hand itches. But have you ever wondered what could prompt such strange behavior?
Finding a tick on your leg after an otherwise pleasant hiking trip can be quite annoying. Here are a few simple tricks you can try to quickly remove it.
The ring finger can get swollen for a multitude of reasons, but you certainly wouldn't want your ring to get stuck there. Here's a simple TikTok hack to try.
Because of how it tweaks your schedule, Daylight Savings Time can impact many aspects of your life. Unfortunately, studies say this includes your death risk.
Interestingly, Daylight Savings Time can affect more than just how much sleep you get during specific seasons. Here's what experts say about DST and headaches.
Having to adjust your schedule for DST can admittedly be inconvenient and annoying. But does this annual clock adjustment have an impact on your heart health?
Research over the years has found particularly strong correlations between heart disease risk and whether you have a particular type of personality. We explain.