Few people are unfamiliar with the painfully memorable sensation of piping hot food rapidly going down their throats. But how badly can this hurt the body?
If you enjoy binge-watching TV, especially before bedtime, you might want to consider. Here's what research says about how binge-watching affects your lungs.
The basics of weight loss are simple. You burn off more calories than you consume. But, if you're not eating enough calories, this could affect your muscles.
You've probably heard about an altered sense of smell being associated with COVID-19, but did you know it can also come from common medications? We'll explain.
Believe it or not, medical professionals say that there is one day of the week that isn't an ideal option for a doctor's appointment: Monday. Find out why.
Are there actually visible signs on the body that can hint at one's risk of a heart attack? As it turns out, researchers may have found an unexpected sign.
While it's no surprise that the aging process can bring some physical changes, the kinds of changes it can bring may shock you, especially if you're a man.
Many people claim that our entire life will flash before our eyes when the end is near - a life review of sorts. Can this actually happen and what does it mean?
If you're having trouble getting some sleep because of a nasty cough, don't worry. This TikTok hack, which involves two basic ingredients, might do the trick.
Some drugs, including this common prescription medication, can trigger allergy-like reactions in the body - such as sneezing - even if a person is not allergic.
Aside from affecting your self-perception and your relationships, bad posture can also have a negative impact on your memory. Here's what research has revealed.
Twice a year, you leave your dentist's office with freshly cleaned teeth. After your visit, however, which food items should you eat and which should you avoid?
The shape of the roof of your mouth plays an essential role in the overall health of your body. A narrow palate can lead to several issues, including these.
There's been a myth floating around that left-handed people might die sooner than their right-handed counterparts. But how much truth is in that sentiment?
We've all heard about the health benefits of drinking enough water. But did you know that adequate hydration actually affects your lung health as well?
Your eye color and your heart rate may seem like they have nothing to do with each other. Surprisingly, recent studies suggest otherwise. Keep reading.