You might think you'd sleep better after a night out drinking, but that might not necessarily be the case. Sometimes after drinking, you wake up early.
It's likely ritual for many of us to pick up our phones first thing in the morning, however, this could be pretty detrimental to our brain. This is why.
Binge-watching your favorite TV series can be quite enjoyable; the resulting back pain, not so much. Here's how you can tell it's time to get off the couch.
We all hear about how it's important to drink enough water daily. As it turns out, not drinking enough water can have a devastating impact on your heart, too.
While medications can help us recover from illnesses, they can also come with unwanted side effects, like weight gain. Here's what you can do about it.
We've all heard about how the average person swallows a certain number of spiders during their sleep throughout their lifetime. But is this true or just a myth?
There are a number of possible explanations behind the burning sensation you sometimes feel when you poop. Here's what they mean, and how to treat them.
Have you ever experienced a slight tremble or shake in your hands? Dr. Jason Singh expains when you should worry about shaky hands and what you can do about it.
For most of us, the weekend is a time to let go. But apparently, there are a few things we might be doing come Friday that are actually damaging our bodies.
Seeing your poop as black as coal in the toilet bowl can understandably be quite a shock. Here are some of the non-life-threatening reasons this could happen.
Sometimes, the most unexpected parts of our body can reveal quite a few details about our health. Take the hair, for example, and how it relates to sleep.
According to recent research, the state of your eye health may actually have a connection to your memory and brain health later in life. Here are the details.
Getting enough protein in your diet should definitely be a priority. But if you have joint pain, you might want to avoid a particularly popular protein source.
Most of us have experienced waking up in the middle of the night due to a particularly terrible nightmare. Here are some of the most commonly reported ones.
A viral hack on TikTok promotes the use of a citrus fruit and some common ingredients to stop a persistent cough. But does it really work? Find out here.
Have you ever experienced having watery eyes when you're down with a flu or cold? Here's why this happens, and what you can do to feel better when it does.
Sometimes, we cough after drinking water; there's nothing especially worrisome about this. But if it starts to happen frequently, it's time to look closer.
When you dream about being lost, what does it say about your current emotional state? Find out what experts say about how you can interpret this kind of dream.