You may have heard that it's safe to take ibuprofen when you have a urinary tract infection. But new research advises against taking this NSAID for your UTI.
After surviving years of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all been changed, perhaps irrevocably, by our shared collective experience. Here are some of the ways.
Every once in a while, you may experience heart palpitations the moment you lie down and prepare to sleep. Here are some of the possible reasons behind this.
Have you ever experienced a bad case of the runs right after taking seemingly harmless medication? Read about how taking certain drugs can prompt diarrhea.
Getting enough protein in your diet can be tough, but by simply eating more broccoli you can up your intake while also keeping your calorie intake low.
For many people, ibuprofen is the go-to over-the-counter medication for pain relief. However, it isn't always guaranteed to work. Find out why this happens.
Having the urge to pee can completely derail even the most intense workout, but fortunately there are plenty of things you can do to calm an anxious bladder.
There are a lot of rumors that go along with being left-handed. Some might be true though. This is what we know about lefties increased risk of cancer.
Feeling sudden, unexpected pain in the eyebrows can be an annoying experience, but what does it actually mean? Here are some of the possible reasons behind it.
As it turns out, there's a major reason why marijuana use tends to make people extremely hungry. Here's what researchers have learned about "the munchies."
Seemingly harmless characteristics of your baby's poop may actually be warning signs of health problems. Here are some of the symptoms you should watch out for.
The next time you start experiencing those annoying hiccups, here's something you might want to try: a viral Instagram tip from a doctor involving cold water.
It's not unheard of (pun intended) to wake up in bed with ear pain. But what really causes this after a full night's sleep? Here's what experts say about it.
We don't always remember what we dream about, and so it might be odd to wake up feeling like you were hearing noises in your sleep. Here's why they happen.
Your body goes through a lot of instantaneous changes when you experience an adrenaline rush. What you may not know is that it affects your eyes as well.
Ibuprofen is a common go-to medication for headaches and muscle pain, but there are people who should not take this popular NSAID. Keep reading to learn more.
Adrenaline can do more than just prepare you to deal with a perilous situation. Used as a medication, there are several ways it can actually save your life.
What if no food was forbidden or considered to be "bad"? Giving into your cravings could be the key to healing your relationship with food. Here's why.
Coughing after a meal isn't necessarily a cause for alarm, but in some instances, it can be a symptom of an underlying health condition. Here are some examples.
Preventing colds seems near impossible, especially when traveling via plane and germs are rampant. Mouthwash is extra item you may need to pack before boarding.
Deja vu can be a freaky experience, but is it something you should be worried about? While it's normal on occasion, increased frequency may mean a health risk.
A camera flash disappears almost as soon as it happens, but it can leave a lingering effect on your eyes. If you've ever wondered why this happens, read on.