In theory, medication is supposed to provide us with relief from whatever ails us. But what if taking meds makes your body ache all over? Here's what it means.
It's understandable to turn to ibuprofen every now and then for persistent headaches. But what if it becomes a habitual craving? Here's what you need to know.
Many people enjoy a good sandwich, but we don't often think about health benefits. It turns out, one particular spread might effect your risk of cancer.
You might not think about protecting your teeth when you go out in the cold weather, but you should. If you don't, it makes your teeth hurt and this is why.
Erectile dysfunction is effecting at least 75% of the population, if not more. But there's a popular protein many eat frequently that can help treat it.
As it turns out, your handedness has a greater impact than just determining the hand you pick up a pen with. Here's how lefthandedness may affect joints.
Skipping meals, regardless of the reason, can have some pretty dire consequences, particularly with regard to the acids in your stomach. Read on to learn more.
Anxiety can strike anyone at any time, but there are certain habits that can worsen this common mental health problem. Here are some of the habits to avoid.
Chances are, you've encountered the "fun fact" that your hair continues to grow even after you die. But is there any truth to this piece of so-called "trivia?"
While it's not unheard of for sleep-deprived people to be cranky, your sleeping habits may actually affect your personality. Here's what researchers learned.
There's a simple breathing exercise that can help you deal with a nasty stomachache. Interestingly, it involves playfully folding your tongue like a taco.
If you find yourself experiencing constipation and want to get things moving, you'll be happy to know that we have a "poop button." Learn more about it here.
A viral infection typically comes with a runny nose, which in turn can cause an unpleasant burning sensation in your nasal area. Here's why this can happen.
Tech-related health advice can be confusing at times. Is there any truth to the notion that you shouldn't sleep within close proximity to your WiFi router?
You may not realize it, but the color of the pajamas you wear may actually be affecting the quality of your sleep. Here's what experts have to say about it.