Constipation is a universal problem, and it's not surprising that the internet would have a DIY "squatty potty" poop solution. So we went ahead and tried it.
Some of the signs associated with end-of-life can only be managed, but others are actually treatable. This is what they are and what can be done about them.
What we eat and drink throughout the day may or may not benefit our sleep come bedtime. For example, when you stop eating carbs, it could have this effect.
There are plenty of things that your fecal matter can tell you about your health. Certain medical conditions can be diagnosed by swabbing and testing your poop.
There are many reasons why a person may decide to stop taking antidepressants. However, doing so abruptly can affect their gut health in surprising ways.
Will sneaking in a few zzz's during the day help your sex life, or does napping hurt your chances of intimacy? It's time to settle this question with science.
Some people might find that breakfast is too time-consuming; hence, they opt out of it. But this simple decision may actually be affecting their sleep quality.
It's common knowledge that having high cholesterol generally isn't good for you. In fact, it can even increase your risk of having this common illness.
Ibuprofen is a common enough NSAID that some people tend to take it with little to no worry. But this popular medication can affect your skin in weird ways.
People without penises often look at peeing without touching the toilet seat as remarkable, but sitting down to pee may have unexpected health benefits for men.
In most cases, peanut butter makes for a nutritious addition to just about any diet -- especially if you've been diagnosed with this medical condition.
A person's sexual health can be influenced by many factors, including the food they eat. For men in particular, a unique fruit provides surprising benefits.
An involuntary event that everyone experiences, it's normal to feel a muscle spasm every once in a while. But when can it be a sign of a serious health concern?
Due to it being such a ubiquitous drink, you might make the mistake of drinking coffee with certain types of medication, including one particulary common drug.
You're probably aware of fiber's role in preventing constipation, but did you know that one particular type of fiber can also help lower your cholesterol?
While having high blood pressure or high cholesterol may seem like more obvious heart disease risk factors, your skin may be able to predict your risk too.
Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, is a fairly common type of cancer. A number of factors can affect your risk of having it, including this pooping mistake.
The link between high cholesterol and brain health may seem to be straightforward at first. However, recent research has yielded rather interesting findings.
When we think about different ways we can die, we don't often consider everyday objects and activities. Surprisingly, some of them can kill us almost instantly.
For many, it may seem like sex is something that older people should avoid. But according to sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer, this shouldn't be the case.
Generally, we have an idea about how having high cholesterol levels is bad for our health. But how exactly does this diagnosis affect one's risk of early death?