Many people take common medications with little hesitation. But some of these easily obtainable drugs should never be taken alongside the NSAID ibuprofen.
Sex does more than just make you feel good in the moment. When you go without sex, it may even influence your risk for early death. Here's what we know.
Poop happens, or it should, pretty regularly. But what happens to your prostate if you don't poop every day? This is how constipation can affect your prostate.
If you're having trouble falling asleep at night, a light midnight snack might do the trick. This particular type of cheese can reportedly help you snooze fast.
Constipation is such a common predicament that people are always on the lookout for things that can help them poop instantly. This drink can be one of them.
If you're a man, then you may sometimes find yourself unable to pee after sex. Here's why that happens and also when not being able to pee might be a problem.
Nutrient deficiencies typically have unpleasant and drastic effects on the body. Shockingly, a lack of protein in your diet can affect your blood pressure.
The thought of wiping after peeing might not cross the minds of many men after they use the bathroom. But avoiding this can have unexpected consequences.
Keeping the prostrate healthy should be high on every man's priority list. One of the ways to do this is by drinking enough water daily. But how much, exactly?
Is there really an age where you'll experience the best sex of your life? Surprisingly, recent research points to "yes" -- and the answer is rather unexpected.
There are a number of ways to lower your cholesterol levels. According to recently published research, taking a common prostate medication might be one of them.
High blood pressure is a common yet dangerous condition that many experience. According to a recently published study, your sleep cycle may be affecting it.
Painful urination can be a sign of many things going on in your body. Unfortunately, in some cases, it can be an indicator that you might have bladder cancer.
When it comes to celebrities, people tend to focus on their physical traits, especially the characteristics that make them unique. Some have rare eye features.
Many people don't think twice about taking ibuprofen. However, if you have this common medical condition, ingesting the popular NSAID might be a bad idea.
The number of prostate cancer cases has grown. Eating one particular fruit group, however, may offer some degree of protection against prostate cancer.
Although it is safe for OTC use, ibuprofen can bring about adverse side effects in some. You should stop taking it if it causes your feet look like this.
A peanut butter-induced headache probably sounds quite strange. However, it is entirely possible. Here's why peanut butter can sometimes trigger a headache.
Eating bananas can provide numerous benefits to your health. But if you take certain types of common medications, you may want to avoid eating these fruits.
While erectile dysfunction is a fairly common ailment among men in the United States, many prefer to leave it untreated. But this can have serious consequences.
Some people who experience a number of strange sensation-related symptoms report that they have a condition called Havana syndrome. But what is it, really?
Despite the stereotypes, blond hair isn't a clue to your level of intelligence or vileness. It can, however, tell you some important things about your health.