People have used apple cider vinegar to treat a variety of health issues for hundreds of years. However, can it be used to treat an aching ear infection?
The pursuit of longevity has become not only a motivator but a massive industry. But which plays a bigger role in how long we live: our lifestyle or our genes?
Joints are living tissues made of cells, minerals, proteins, and vitamins -- which means they can grow and wear out. So what happens to them as we age?
If you've been prescribed fluoxetine and are curious about how long Prozac takes to work, learn the onset of action and the Prozac side effects to look out for.
TMJ disorders can have an impact on both facial nerves and jaw muscles. What's the connection between TMJ and the head pain we experience with migraines?
Pregnant people might also experience digestive issues such as constipation, vomiting, or diarrhea. Here's how to treat stomach upset safely while pregnant.
Travel can provoke migraines due to many factors including stress, jet lag, air cabin pressure, and more. Here's how to keep migraines at bay while traveling.
A melanoma diagnosis can be scary, but we've gathered lots of excellent information to help you better understand this cancer and its treatment options.
If you're experiencing dysgeusia (a strange or bad taste in the mouth), you should think about why your taste has changed. Here are some possible reasons.
The overwhelming majority of pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented. Now experts elaborate on what changes can be made for the future.
About 45% of people agree that a smile is one of the most attractive features, and 80% are willing to invest in their smile to safeguard their appearance.
If there's one thing to know about double ear infections it's that they're not exactly the same as a singular ear infections. In fact, one is more serious.
Unlike Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II, not all royals were fortunate enough to reign as long they did. In fact, one crucial disease affected them.
Experts haven't discovered a cure for psoriasis yet. However, there are options for managing the condition, including eating and avoiding certain foods.
At times, figuring out what type of headache you're feeling can help with the treatment. In this case, tension headaches may be more common than you think.