As one of the world's most popular painkillers, it's no surprise that ibuprofen's potential side effects have been the subject of many research efforts.
While it only takes about 30 minutes for ibuprofen to get into your body and start working, how long it takes for it leave your system might surprise you.
Canker sores tend to be on the mild side in 85% of people who develop them. However, you'll want to avoid eating these foods if you have a painful canker sore.
While this type of cancer is not the one that is most commonly diagnosed, you may be surprised to learn that more people will die from it each year. Here's why.
There are many kinds of beans you can add to your diet, each with their own nutritional perks. Consider this one if you have hypertension or trouble sleeping.
Aching backs, muscle pulls, and carpet burns are some of the common sex injuries, but a man can also experience an eggplant deformity. Here's what to know.
Men who smoke marijuana on a daily basis may observe some changes to their health. Interestingly, smoking weed daily can also affect their sperm quality.
As a person nears death, physical signs may begin to appear, hinting at their predicament. One particularly peculiar change affects the neck, per research.
Tums can help relieve indigestion, heartburn, and upset stomach. If you take it everyday, however, it could have this effect on your kidney stone risk.
Doctors say there are some things that they refuse to do in the bathroom and with good reason. Let's take a closer look at these potentially harmful habits.
Do men prefer long or short hair on women? Based on scientific studies and experiments, when it comes to women's hair, here's what men find attractive.
As death looms, a person becomes more likely to experience peculiar symptoms and changes in their body. These affect every aspect of their life and functions.
Sometimes, men may experience difficulty in achieving orgasm during sexual intercourse. Fortunately, making some changes in one's diet can help with this.
Nutritional needs change as men grow old, leaving room for potential deficiencies. When it comes to men over 50, some multivitamins are better than others.
Your blood pressure can rise or drop depending on what your body is currently experiencing. But does having an orgasm affect your blood pressure in any way?
Cold remedies with ibuprofen and this decongestant can be helpful in relieving cold and flu symptoms. However, you may want to talk with your doctor first.
Whether intentionally or not, ceasing to have sexual intercourse affects the body in different ways. In men, abstaining from sex has surprising effects.
While it can offer the relief you desire, daily intake of the NSAID ibuprofen can have serious consequences on your body. You might need this other medication.
While it might be surprising to you, certain popular medications can increase uric acid and trigger gout symptoms. You may even be using these medications.
If you have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as an enlarged prostate gland, you'll want to read this article about the effects of too much salt.