Foods may have different effects on your cholesterol. Some are helpful while others might make it worse. Here's how cranberry juice fits into the picture.
Milking a man's prostate may sound like a strange concept, but the practice has actually been around for a long time. In fact, even doctors use it sometimes.
Given the sheer number of fake "cures" out there, it's easy to be skeptical about natural remedies. But there's scientific evidence that some of them do work.
Skin tags on the eyelids can be particularly bothersome for people since they are in a highly visible location, but why do they form in the first place?
Peeing during sex can happen, and while it's an understandably uncomfortable topic to talk about, it's important to know the possible reasons behind it.
The prostate sits below a man's bladder and produces some of the fluid in semen. However, it can grow. Here's what it means if you have a large prostate volume.
A questionable facial mask made of human feces recently made the rounds on Instagram. Aside from the obvious, there are other reasons to avoid trying this.
You put your head on the pillow and close your eyes. Then, you hear it: a thumping sound that seems to coincide with your heartbeat. What does it mean?
The nutritional benefits of eggs make them a prime candidate for inclusion in a balanced diet. But does eating eggs every day affect the prostate gland?
Some TikTok users have been sharing cautionary tales against using scented candles. But is there really inherent danger in using these in your household?
While dangerous, prostate cancer is far from a death sentence. Moreover, by paying attention to its warning signs, it can be diagnosed and treated effectively.
Sudden adult death syndrome is still largely a mystery to medical professionals. Having certain medical conditions may make you more likely to experience it.
Sleep quality is something many people struggle with. According to celebrity chef Giada De Laurentiis, a few changes and choices can make a big difference.
If you suddenly experience a ringing sensation in your ears after working out, don't panic. It isn't automatically life-threatening, though it can be dangerous.
Being mindful of your dietary preferences and practices plays a massive role in reducing your risk of dying early, as there are some crucial mistakes to avoid.
The characteristics of your pee can clue you in on the status of your health. According to an expert, popcorn-smelling pee may hint that you have this disease.
Gynecomastia, also known as "moobs," is an increase in breast gland tissue in men or boys. Here's why men over 50 are at greater risk for this condition.
As the body continues to age, there are certain behaviors and actions that can have detrimental effects on it. Thus, it's wise to avoid such risky mistakes.
While it can be difficult to predict exactly when someone will pass, most people will go through this pattern of signs when they are facing imminent death.
People take fish oil supplements daily for their purported health benefits. However, men in particular might have a good reason to get more omega-3 every day.
Do you want to keep your cholesterol in check and mange your high blood pressure? Think about putting apricots on your weekly shopping list. Here's why.
Eating a thick, juicy steak can feel like a special treat. However, men over 50 may want to avoid eating this one particular steak cut on a daily basis.