With rice water being a simple concoction for a facial, it's been a go-to for many. However, some wonder if it's actually safe enough to apply on the face.
When taking antidepressants, following your doctor's instructions precisely is essential, especially if you're trying to stop your medication altogether.
With so much screen time it's no wonder people are feeling sick. Do you know how much screen time you have per day? Here's some signs you shouldn't ignore.
Our energy levels can vary substantially over the course of our lives. Fortunately, there are things we can do to help boost our energy naturally. Here's how.
It's been proven time and again that masks help stop the spread of COVID-19. Here's why a new study is making the case for mask mandates to continue in schools.
In order to monitor for certain conditions, your doctor may assess your alkaline phosphatase level. Here's what it means if your alkaline phosphatase is high.
If you have seasonal allergies, you may notice that they get worse in the afternoon or evening hours. Here's why your allergies may feel worse later in the day.
Have you ever considered using home remedies like witch hazel for hemorrhoids? Can it help or is it a bad idea to use witch hazel for hemorrhoid relief?
While the vagina naturally maintains its pH balance, sometimes, it may get thrown off. Read on to find out if garlic tablets can help restore vaginal pH levels.
COVID can make you feel awful and you also don't want to pass it along to high-risk people. These are 5 products you'll want to have on hand if you get COVID.
If you are looking to improve your health, you may want to consider eating more gut-friendly foods. Read on to find out if hummus can improve your gut health.
Migraines can be debilitating under any circumstance, but especially at work. If you need to combat a migraine while you're on the job, here are some tips.