While pregnant, it's crucial to maintain a well-balanced diet to facilitate the proper growth of your baby. In fact, many experts recommend including asparagus.
To the untrained eye, it can be hard to differentiate benign bumps and rashes from serious ones. Therefore, it's crucial to know when to seek a dermatologist.
Recently, more cases of measles have been reported. In order to keep you and your family safe, it's essential to know the details of the current outbreaks.
While many people follow a low-carb diet, it turns out the risks may outweigh the benefits. Here is the low-carb diet that may increase your risk of diabetes.
Research tells us that our gut is connected to almost every aspect of our overall health. Read on to find out how a leaky gut may worsen asthma symptoms.
As scientists have gathered more data about the effects of COVID, one potential risk has emerged among those who have had the illness within six months.
Stillbirth is a devastating occurrence for any expecting parent. Here are the odds of it actually happening and how you can reduce your risk of it happening.
With cold and flu season upon us, many are reaching for their favorite products and remedies. Read on to find out our readers' preferred brand of cough drops.
A mental health crisis isn't a medical diagnosis, and doesn't refer to a specific mental illness or fixed set of symptoms. Here's how it affects your body.
In order to treat a gonorrhea infection, it's important to diagnose it. This can be done by taking a fluid sample or swabbing the potentially infected area.
Raynaud's syndrome is a condition in which small blood vessels constrict in response to cold or stress. Learn about its causes, symptoms, and treatment
If you're seeking to create more wellness in your home, you're not alone. We've got some essentials for you -- these things will help you develop your space.
Pepto-Bismol or Tums? We surveyed our readers to find out what they reach for when experiencing tummy troubles. Here is the top go-to upset stomach remedy.
Throwing up is an extremely unpleasant experience, and can be bad for your teeth to boot. Here are some ways to protect your teeth when you experience vomiting.
While many claim to benefit from ayahuasca's healing insights, some research on the psychedelic substance could be beneficial for anybody looking to try it.
If you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), traveling may be difficult. Here are some ways that can help make your next trip a bit less stressful and more pleasant.
Longtime "Star Trek" star and director Jonathan Frakes shared the story of his brother's pancreatic cancer diagnosis and his work for greater awareness.