Cibophobia may be associated with restrictive eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa. However, it shouldn't be mistaken for a traditional eating disorder.
ADHD can be a challenging condition to manage, particularly for those who are college-bound. Fortunately, there are tips to manage your condition and thrive.
Whether you call it Aunt Flo or your monthly visitor, you expect your period to show up once a month. Discover why you might have two periods in one month.
Tattoos are a popular means of self-expression, but can be problematic if they get infected. Here's when you need to see a doctor if your tattoo gets infected.
Group therapy can be a helpful aid in your mental health toolbox, but it's not for everyone. Here's how to determine if group therapy is right for you.
A swollen eyelid may look severe enough to see a doctor. However, there are only certain times you would need to seek medical attention for a swollen eyelid.
While blackberries contain many health benefits, they may also cause stomach issues. Here are the unexpected reasons blackberries may not agree with you.
Menopause is when a person has stopped having periods. Here's how doctors can determine whether you're approaching or have already experienced menopause.
Whether you've been prescribed this medicine or you've picked it up over the counter, you might wonder how long it takes for ibuprofen to start working.
Color changes in your poop are natural. However, there are times when a particular stool color might indicate something serious. Here's what poop color means.
Urinary incontinence can affect every aspect of your life. However, there are a few types of exercises you can try at home to help improve bladder control.
Many people look to at-home remedies for short-term toothache relief. Can a salt water rinse be considered an effective DIY toothache treatment method?
For pregnant moms who have hit the 40-week mark, there can be an urge to get things moving by naturally inducing labor with castor oil. But is it safe?
It's easy to get overwhelmed by all the options for diabetes-related gifts. Here is a list of 25 holiday gift ideas for someone in your life with diabetes.
Aging is a normal part of life, and as we age, there are certain inevitable changes that occur to our bodies, including our hair. This is how our hair changes.
But how early in your pregnancy can you experience symptoms? And can you detect them as soon as the first week of pregnancy? The answer may surprise you.
There are a variety of treatment options for stomach cancer, depending on the location in the stomach and the stage of cancer. Here's what you need to know.