If you were born before 1980, chances are you've had chickenpox, which puts you at risk for developing shingles. That's why it's important to get the vaccine.
A recent drug approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may help delay the onset of type 1 diabetes. Here's everything you need to know.
To understand how your vision is affected as you age, we've enlisted Dr. James Kelly, a comprehensive ophthalmologist who specializes in refractive surgery.
About 1 in 50 people in the U.S. deal with paralysis. Now there's a new type of adaptive equipment for people with paralysis -- mind-controlled wheelchairs.
Regardless of how severe your COVID-19 symptoms appeared at first, researchers are now elaborating on how it could affect your brain, even after recovery.
Do you frequently hear "ringing" in your ears? It could be tinnitus. Here's everything you need to know about this condition's causes, symptoms, and treatments.
Mental and physical health are related, and what happens in the mind can radically impact the rest of the body. This is how depression can affect aging.
Deciding to transition to a new doctor can be a tough and complicated decision. However, it's completely normal to want to leave one doctor for another.
Nighttime wake-ups can stem from a number of different reasons. Here are some possible sleep stealers that may be at the root of your nocturnal awakenings.
If you have hypertension, it may impact what birth control methods you can use. Here are the safest birth control options for those with high blood pressure.
Omeprazole is a medication used to treat conditions where too much acid is present in the stomach, such as GERD. This is how long it takes to start working.
Along with summertime fun comes a host of different kinds of obnoxious bug bites. Discover what chigger bites are, and what the best methods are to treat them.
While a fitness routine can have many anti-aging benefits, there are some things that do more harm than good. Find out what exercise habits can age you faster.
Although pain in the chest is often confused with being heart-related, it can also be linked to the sternum. These are the most common causes of sternum pain.
Bladder pressure is an intense pain in the abdominal region with an increased urge to urinate more frequently. Here's what you can do to easily relieve it.
Heartburn is a common ailment that can have several different symptoms, depending on the person. Find out if throat tightness can be caused by heartburn.