Family medicine specialist Dr. Pauline Jose shares how we can best protect ourselves from depression through our food choices in an exclusive interview.
Cold sores can be unpleasant but luckily there are many products available to help bring relief. Here is the most popular cold sore remedy amongst our readers.
There's no cure for chickenpox, but there are preventative measures you can take to avoid getting and spreading it. Here's everything you need to know about it.
To the world, you may look like you've got it all together, but inside you may be struggling. If this is the case, you may have high-functioning anxiety.
On her "Good Instincts" podcast, registered dietician Shira Barlow shares some important considerations for indulging in treats while maintaining your goals.
Climate change affects many different aspects of life, potentially including your health. Discover how experts say climate change may impact your lung health.
The holiday season boasts indulgent meals that threaten our cholesterol levels. Here's how to keep your cholesterol in check while still enjoying yourself.
Plant food is generally considered a very healthy aspect of our diets. Now new research is highlighting its ability to potentially fight cognitive decline.
If meningitis B inflammation persists for a prolonged time, it may lead to permanent brain and nerve damage or even death. Here are some of its common symptoms
As we get further from the onset of the pandemic, scientists gather data revealing that initial vaccinations may not afford sufficient protection from dying.
On top of living with IBS, you also have to think about the stress that comes with the holiday season. Luckily, there are tips that could help manage symptoms.
In an exclusive Health Digest survey, we asked people to determine what preferred brand of antacid most reach for when experiencing heartburn or indigestion.
Anxiety is a common problem for many. Fortunately, there are many gifts to help ease a worried mind. Here's the go-to gift guide for anyone who needs some calm.
In addition to numbness, tingling, and inflammation, the pain that sciatica causes can be quite serious. Sadly, the myths surrounding it can be just as bad.
The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is on the rise. If left untreated, sleep apnea can cause a slew of negative effects throughout the body.
Nobody likes laundry day, but we all know it's important to wash our clothes, and our bedding too. Here's how often you should be changing your pillowcase.
People who have rheumatoid arthritis may experience symptoms that set it apart from other types of arthritis. This is how it feels to have it in the neck.
TSS is a rare but fatal condition caused by certain bacterial infections making it important to change your tampon often. Is it safe to sleep with a tampon?