Enemas involve inserting liquid into the rectum. Learn what the process involves, what they're used for, and what you need to know about the procedure.
If you have cystic fibrosis, it can be a challenge to maintain a healthy weight. Here's why a high-calorie diet is essential when you have cystic fibrosis.
If you are on a low FODMAP diet, there are many foods you can't eat. But what about alcohol? Here's what to know about imbibing if you are on a low FODMAP diet.
Pregnancy brings with it radical transformations, both in your life and in your body. Read on to find out how your bones may be forever changed after pregnancy.
The vitamins and nutrients we ingest have a huge effect on our overall health. Now, a new study has found what a boost in vitamin D can do for your brain.
Before you channel your inner Scrooge, scowl, and say "Bah, humbug!": here are 12 ways to cope with holiday overwhelm, to help you end the season with a smile.
Simultaneously having a migraine and an intense stomach ache may sound like a nightmare, but luckily, there are ways to manage these coinciding conditions.
Children who are affected by COVID-19 have recently been developing a barking cough usually associated with croup. Croup is often triggered by a virus.
Some headaches come and go, but persistent headaches come back too often. Luckily, there are some methods that can help prevent them before they even start.
Though mainly used for baking and cooking, health experts say it is the alcohol that makes pure vanilla extract a good home remedy to have for tooth pain.
For people living with IBD (whether it's ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease), learning how to manage a flare-up is crucial. Here are some helpful strategies.
If your doctor recommends surgical treatment, you may meet with a general surgeon. What is a general surgeon and what kind of procedures do they specialize in?
In an exclusive Health Digest survey, we asked participants which scientifically-backed methods they incorporate to decrease the stress they experience.
The weight of the human body and its organs can vary depending on several factors. However, a study set out to find the average weight of certain human organs.
Health experts are now advising shoppers to wash their hands after contact with self-service checkouts, due to the rather grotesque results of a recent study.
Vegetables and whole foods provide many nutrients our bodies need to thrive. But with colon cancer, can a vegan diet help protect you or work against you?
Health experts are predicting a high number of flu cases even as we're still battling COVID-19. But what happens to your body if you get the two simultaneously?
Peter Young, M.D., medical director for Keeps, gave an exclusive interview to Health Digest, debunking some of the most prevalent myths surrounding hair loss.