Two terms we have often heard with COVID drugs and vaccines are FDA approval and Emergency Use Authorization. These are the important differences between them.
If you're constantly sneezing, especially when you find yourself at home, you may be allergic to the dust around you. Luckily, there are some ways you can tell.
Sweet potatoes are well known for their strong nutrient profile. In fact, some wonder if they can be the key to lessening the chance of certain types of cancer.
While dermaplaning can be a good option for those looking for smoother skin, there are some additional downsides to consider before booking your appointment.
Diarrhea is a condition involving watery or loose stool that, in its acute form, typically lasts between 1 and 2 days. Here is how you can relieve diarrhea.
Researchers have been studying how symptoms like loss of taste and smell are linked to antibody levels. These are the differences that they have found.
Just as the reason for surgery varies, so does the method. Here's what you should know about open and minimally invasive surgeries and how they differ.
Eye examinations are carried out by both optometrists and ophthalmologists. However, both have differences despite focusing on eye- and vision-related issues.
Chances are that, when it comes to our major organs, most people know what they're for. But what about the spleen? What role does it play in our health?
Whether you have sutures or stitches, your doctor will provide specific instructions for caring for them. Here's what you should know about the differences.
When do you apply deodorant for best results? Some brands suggest at night, but experts say there are dos and don'ts when it comes to wearing deodorant to bed.
Bunions are the protruding bony bumps at the base of your toe. In addition to surgery, there are several products that you can try out to relieve bunion pain.
Laughing disorder, or pseudobulbar affect (PBA), is a medical condition characterized by uncontrolled crying and laughing. Here's what you need to know.
To get a better idea of what time most people get up in the morning, we surveyed participants to share their typical wake-up time out of five answer choices.
For those with ovarian cancer, early detection of the disease is vital. However, many symptoms might be overlooked. Here's what you should look out for.
To find out how much screen time people indulge in daily, we asked Health Digest readers to report how many hours per day they spend looking at screens.