For some, anal sex can lead to dealing with undesirable effects, including bacterial infections and skin irritations. But can this involve colon cancer?
In the event of a surprise sting from a scorpion, there are a few things you should do right away. Luckily, not all events require a trip to the hospital.
In an effort to help the huge number of children experiencing dental issues in the U.S., the AAP released a new clinical report. Here's what you need to know.
Many parents are trying to care for their kids during the peak of cold and flu season but are struggling to find medications. Here's what experts recommend.
There are ways to treat a cough naturally if you prefer not to take medication. Here's what the most popular remedies are according to a recent survey.
While some people are more productive in the early mornings, others become more alert at night. Unfortunately, this could affect your risk for diabetes.
Viewers of the original Avatar film experienced a form of Post-Avatar Depression Syndrome (PADS). Here's everything you need to know before you see the new one.
What prompts the development of hairy tongue, or coated tongue? Here's everything you need to know about what causes the condition and how to prevent it.
While combination pills are a common choice, they may not be a good choice for everyone. Here's what you should know about progestin-only and combination pills.
Because hormones play a significant role in so many areas of the body, it's easy to hypothesize that hormones could be involved in the body's aging process.
While the of phones and other screens is common among kids, a new study has found a link between screen time and obsessive-compulsive disorder in pre-teens.
Life can be full of instances where we wind up with scars. Fortunately, there are OTC medications that can help them heal. But which is the most popular?
Spotting can be a worrying development, particularly if your period isn't due for a while. But, funnily enough, it can also be an early symptom of pregnancy.
Tinnitus causes someone to hear noises that don't come from an audible source, and myths about the condition are common. Here are some you can stop believing.
Broken bones can be painful, and they might take a little while to heal. Here's a look at everything that happens inside your body when you break a bone.
Can horseback riding be as therapeutic for individuals struggling with multiple sclerosis as it has been found to be with other conditions? Here's the research.
Most of us experience back pain at some point or another, and it can mean different things depending on the location. Here's what lower left back pain may mean.
Sitting in a sauna can have health benefits. However, these rewards are not without risk. Here's what you need to know about the risks of sitting in a sauna.
Two terms we have often heard with COVID drugs and vaccines are FDA approval and Emergency Use Authorization. These are the important differences between them.