In an effort to help the huge number of children experiencing dental issues in the U.S., the AAP released a new clinical report. Here's what you need to know.
Many parents are trying to care for their kids during the peak of cold and flu season but are struggling to find medications. Here's what experts recommend.
There are ways to treat a cough naturally if you prefer not to take medication. Here's what the most popular remedies are according to a recent survey.
It may seem difficult to get enough protein through vegan food. But according to a leading lifestyle medicine doctor, it's easier than you might think.
With the pandemic and the Olympics in mind, some experts have been wondering if the Qatar World Cup poses any risk of spreading another illness known MERS.
With 80% of U.S. counties currently reporting a lack of infectious disease doctors, experts anticipate a substantial shortage to endure over the next 10 years.
While the of phones and other screens is common among kids, a new study has found a link between screen time and obsessive-compulsive disorder in pre-teens.
Life can be full of instances where we wind up with scars. Fortunately, there are OTC medications that can help them heal. But which is the most popular?
Bunions are the protruding bony bumps at the base of your toe. In addition to surgery, there are several products that you can try out to relieve bunion pain.
To get a better idea of what time most people get up in the morning, we surveyed participants to share their typical wake-up time out of five answer choices.
To find out how much screen time people indulge in daily, we asked Health Digest readers to report how many hours per day they spend looking at screens.
The American Diabetes Association's updated standards of care for healthcare practitioners this year are focused on access, prevention, and other concerns.
Those who use tobacco are more susceptible to tooth decay and related dental health issues than non-smokers, and a new study lends further evidence to this.
As the holiday season approaches, health officials are advising that Americans mask up. Discover the reason why experts suggest donning the mask again.
This year's flu season, combined with COVID and RSV, has hit families hard with illness. Discover why there's now a drug shortage at pharmacies as well.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that not only inflames your joints, but can damage other parts of your body, such as the eyes and lungs.
Consuming vitamin D can bring a variety of benefits. Now, experts are elaborating on what higher concentrations of the vitamin can do for your brain health.
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers and can be difficult to treat. Learn about a new treatment that can help patients with advanced breast cancer.