Allergies, dusty boxes, windy days at the beach. Most people have, at some point in their eyes, gone through eye irritation. But what's the underlying cause?
A number of remedies exist to treat cold sores with varying levels of success, including the recommendation to put toothpaste on a fever blister to treat it.
Eating a proper diet is key to preventing heart disease, and Health Digest spoke with Dr. Loretta Friedman to find out specific ways to address your diet.
One of the difficult things about heart disease is that it has many causes. Heart defects and diseased heart muscle can be causes—but there are others too.
Anything that interrupts your sleep can be annoying, especially if it's painful. Getting a headache at the same time every night could have a few causes.
Only three weeks after his diagnosis of stage 4 small cell lung carcinoma, actor Dustin Diamond, age 44, has passed away. This is his fatal cancer explained.
Constipation is a common and growing problem in the United States. If you're having trouble going number two, here are some things that may be contributing.
Vitamin C has been touted for decades as a great way to beat the common cold. But does vitamin C actually do anything to decrease your chance of getting sick?
Pollen and dust allergies are very common, but there are nearly endless things a person can be allergic to. Here's a look at some of the most surprising.
Approximately 50 to 80 percent of American adults are affected by herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV), the virus responsible for cold sores. This is what really causes cold sores and how to prevent and treat any outbreaks.