More than 85% of amputees experience phantom limb sensation within weeks of amputation. Treatment options include meditation, mindfulness, and acupuncture.
Insulin is a hormone that enables your body's cells to absorb sugar and use it for energy. The inability to produce insulin could indicate a health condition.
There are more than 30 blood types currently recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusions. One is so rare that it was once thought impossible.
You may have been told that late-night eating isn't good for you, but is that true? Here's the connection between those midnight snacks and your heart health.
Bee pollen, a combination of pollen, honey, enzymes, and other compounds, is touted for its health benefits. So how exactly does bee pollen affect the body?
Dreams are among the greatest scientific mysteries. Even more mysterious, why do fevers give us strange dreams and why are they so different from normal dreams?
Your blood sugar fluctuates through the day, partly depending on the food you eat. What does it mean when it's high in the morning, hours after your last meal?
The summer season has many of us spending lots of time swimming, which may be accompanied by an increase in head pain. What's actually causing these headaches?
If you have a cold sore or feel a flare-up coming on, there are a few foods you may want to avoid. Read on to learn which foods can interfere with healing.
Elvis Presley's death at age 42 shocked the world, and has been a source of controversy. What have we since learned about the star's health prior to his death?
Donating blood can help people recover from illness, accidents, and natural disasters. First, you'll want to know your blood type and how much you can donate.
Giving blood can save lives, but can cause side effects like anemia and fatigue. Here's what you should eat before donating blood to help prevent these issues.
When you're having an asthma attack, your airways become swollen and inflamed, resulting in wheezing, chest tightness or pain, and severe shortness of breath.
You may know that some blood types aren't compatible with each other for blood transfusions, but why is this? Learn why you can't mix certain blood types.
There are hundreds of strains of E. coli. The one that usually comes to mind when this bacteria is mentioned is the one that makes you sick. So what is E. coli?
Because most people do not notice any serious symptoms of primary lactose intolerance until they are an adult, they think they have recently developed it.
Water makes up 60% of the human body and helps it perform its most basic and vital functions. But is it possible to be allergic to water? The answer is yes.
E. coli infections from contaminated food affect the intestines and can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal discomfort. What's the best way to treat symptoms?
While we generally refer to all types as "diabetes," it's important to understand the three major types of diabetes: Type I, Type II, and Gestational diabetes.
Hangovers can bring on headaches, fatigue, nausea, and dehydration after drinking. Sometimes, these symptoms can even make you feel feverish. Why is this?
A new tool on the Project Big Life website can help assess risk of dementia by looking at demographic information, health concerns, and lifestyle factors.