Arthritis can cause mild to severe pain. Thankfully, there are some key strategies that can lead to better pain management for this type of inflammation.
Pneumonia is a serious lung infection that should be treated right away by a doctor. Here's how you can spot the symptoms of pneumonia you shouldn't ignore.
There is continuing debate on the pros and cons of regular coffee consumption, especially its effect on blood pressure. Here's what the latest research says.
Water does more for our bodies than staving off thirst. In fact, it's essential for bodily processes like regulating temperature to getting rid of waste.
Is there a link between increasing vitamin D intake and our gut health, particularly when it comes to constipation? Health experts are finding varying data.
There are classic teething symptoms, like drooling and fussiness, but what about fevers? Here's what research says about the link between fevers and teething.
The CDC estimates that 1 million people contract shingles every year in the United States, and one in three people will contract shingles in their lifetime.
Allergies share many symptoms with the common cold or flu, such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, and congestion. But is fever a symptom of seasonal allergies?
Feeling fatigued, sniffly, with a tickle in your throat? You may be coming down with a cold -- but acting early can help ease symptoms and speed things along.