Psoriasis is a long-term skin disease that has no known cure, and 30% of people with the condition develop psoriatic arthritis, which comes in five forms.
For optimal heart health, you can stop smoking, avoid alcohol, exercise more, learn to manage stress, and get quality sleep. And a healthy diet is key.
While heart palpitations can be caused by many different factors including stress and exercise, they can also be triggered by certain foods and beverages.
When you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, certain things can trigger flare-ups causing joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. Pay attention to these.
There are many types of E.coli, and most are harmless, but some strains of the bacteria can make you very ill when they are consumed. How do you prevent this?
Cardio exercise and strength training have been found to benefit heart health. But running fast and long-distance can do your heart more harm than good.
If Alzheimer's is diagnosed in someone under 60 years old, chances are greater that it could be inherited. Here are some beneficial foods to keep in mind.
For people with ADHD, stimulant medications improve focus by boosting dopamine levels in the brain. Does the caffeine in coffee have the same effect on ADHD?
Mononucleosis, or mono, is a viral infection characterized by fever, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. It's known as "the kissing disease," and for a reason.
A power nap can boost your energy and more. But beware of longer naps which can increase sleepiness, negatively affect productivity, and may signal dementia.
Because an asthmatic episode can be triggered by environmental factors, certain areas of the United States may prove better or worse for those with asthma.
Peloton instructor Hannah Corbin started having symptoms of debilitating fatigue and weight gain and sought medical advice until finally, she found answers.
Approximately 1 in 7 Americans have varying degrees of kidney disease and damage, though many of them don't even know it. These are some signs to watch for.
If you have frequent abdominal and digestive symptoms, it's possible you have Crohn's Disease. Read on for everything you need to know about this condition.
There are ways for us to get an indication of how well our heart is functioning. If this happens while lying down, it could mean something about your heart.
There are ways for us to get an indication of how well our heart is functioning. If this happens while lying down, it could mean something about your heart.
We've known about the dangers of smoking for a while, and one of those dangers includes lung cancer. So what's the connection between smoking and lung cancer?