Refeeding is the process of safely reintroducing food to a person after a long period of starvation or malnourishment. Sometimes, this process can go wrong.
A common diabetes drug is shown to contain carcinogens. However, it seems like it may be worse to stop taking your medication, even with traces of carcinogen.
Kidney stones can form when your urine doesn't have enough fluid to dilute the crystal-forming substances. There are several treatment options available.
Despite being often mixed up, food allergies and food intolerances are two very different things. Here's everything you need to know about nut allergies.
Be aware of allergic reactions and the foods that can cause them, not just for your own safety, but for the safety of others who'll be eating with you as well.
Who knew walking could provide so many benefits to our health? As it turns out, new research suggests timing walks after meals could boost health even more.
Fatty liver disease is a common form of liver disease characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat in the liver. Here's what it does to your body.
Many critics lamented Jobs' choices when it came to treating his cancer. Were they right, or is the story of his treatment more complicated than we realize?
It's widely believed that lifestyle plays a large role in cancer risk. However, new research is suggesting another important factor may have a greater impact.
The U.S. government will receive 150,000 doses of the vaccine in September. Until then, health officials may have a solution for the currently limited supply.
The blood has so many parts and so many functions. If any of our blood counts are abnormal, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Here's what to know.
Spinach is a dark leafy green vegetable with a beneficial nutritional profile. It can even be a superfood for people with diabetes. Here's what to know.
While it is clear that those with celiac disease should avoid eating foods that contain gluten, is it necessary to avoid coming in contact with gluten entirely?
In the past few decades, the number of people in the US with pulmonary diseases has soared. Pulmonary hygiene is a practice that could support your lung health.