If you might have tinnitus, or you're curious about how to treat the condition effectively, this article offers information on the various treatment options.
Breast cancer is generally considered a disease that affects women. But that doesn't mean that men can't develop it, too. Learn the risk factors and symptoms.
ALS is a debilitating and devastating health condition with no cure. Advocates have been able to make giant leaps in getting a new drug approved. Here's how.
The lungs are not indestructible, and they are still vulnerable to diseases like pneumonia. Here are the causes, symptoms, and treatments of pneumonia.
Lymphedema is marked by excess swelling of the skin. Read on to learn the serious complications that can develop if lymphedema is not properly treated.
In an exclusive interview, Dr. Xavier Llor explains the importance of colonoscopies as an early intervention strategy to detect signs of colorectal cancer.
Many people who have gotten COVID complain of lingering health effects. Learn about a study examining how the virus can lead to long-term heart complications.
With flu season approaching, doctors are urging Americans not to skip their annual flu shots this fall, especially those who are over the age of 65. Here's why.
Amoxil is an FDA-approved antibiotic. They will understand why amoxicillin is prescribed, its potential interactions, dosage, typical side effects, and more.
A new study has taken a look at whether high blood pressure might contribute to dementia. This is what you need need to know about what the researchers learned.
"Dancing with the Stars" judge Carrie Ann Inaba shared her journey of living with autoimmune diseases and her tips to help others struggling with chronic pain.
Migraine symptoms can interfere with all sorts of daily activities. This is what you need to consider about whether driving during a migraine attack is safe.
If you're prone to migraines, knowing about auras ahead of time can help you become aware of an oncoming migraine and make a plan for managing symptoms.
Cholesterol is vital, but having high levels of a certain type of cholesterol can lead to health problems. Here's what it feels like to have high cholesterol.