Moles can have an irregular shape or even have a scab or crusty covering. So, when performing a skin check, when should you start sounding the alarm bells?
When it comes to breast cancer, early detection is key. Self breast exams are an important method of early detection. Here's how to do a self breast exam.
If you frequently have gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach cramping, pain, and bloating, you may have irritable bowel syndrome, commonly known as IBS.
About 20% to 76% of adults are found to have thyroid nodules during an ultrasound. However, researchers are yet to understand why thyroid nodules form.
Tea has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Here's what to know about research that's linking tea drinking to an unexpected health benefit.
Though exercise is beneficial to everyone, it may trigger flare-ups in those with acid reflux. Here are some tips to help you avoid uncomfortable symptoms.
Noninvasive colon screening tests motivate more people to get screened for colon cancer. In fact, some wonder if they could be the future of colon prevention.
It's important to treat your body right when you're recovering from the flu, not only to ease your way out of it, but also to avoid prolonging your illness.
Knowing the causes of scalp folliculitis will help you manage the condition. A visit to your dermatologist is also needed to receive an accurate diagnosis.
Struggling with dry eyes and headaches? As it turns out, there might be a connection between the two. Learn what may be causing it and what you can do about it.
Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, can occur in patients with multiple sclerosis. Read on to find out what to know about multiple sclerosis dysphagia.
Patients experience many side effects during chemotherapy, such as nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, and pain. However, regular exercise may help.
Ever wake up in the morning with a headache that's not due to a hangover, but just a result of sleeping? Turns out, the pain may be associated with sleep apnea.
Did you know that men get breast cancer? Here, we've explained the types of breast cancer, symptoms to watch for, and treatments. Read on to get the facts.
Fatty liver disease is often considered to be a condition associated with too much alcohol. Discover if it's possible to get the disease without drinking.
If you're over 40 and have pain and limited motion in your shoulder, you may have frozen shoulder. Read on to learn what you need to know about this condition.
Our mental and physical health are inextricably linked. But did you know there's a link between your mental health and belly fat? Read on to find out more.
For those with IBD, you may notice that certain foods can cause your symptoms to flare up. Here's why dietary fiber may make IBD symptoms worse for some.
There are several different scenarios where you should request getting a mammogram prior to turning 45. Here are some of the most significant reasons to do so.
Metabolic syndrome is a group of several risk factors that occur together and raise the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Here are its signs.