Most of us would prefer to smell as fresh as flowers, but we're not always so lucky. For some, this can include a vinegar-like scent. But, what does it mean?
IceBeanie's goal has always been to provide consumers with a natural migraine-relief alternative to medication. So, is IceBeanie still going strong today?
Extreme heat during hot summer days can take quite a toll on your health. A recent study found that it can also increase your risk of death from heart disease.
It is natural to go to the bathroom and see different shades, textures, and types of poop. But what does it mean when you have white poop? Is this normal?
One common symptom of a heart attack is pain that in one or both arms. Since arm pain can be caused by a number of things, here's what you should watch for.
After a day at the beach, you might notice that your feet are covered in tiny, red bug bites. It turns out it might not be bug bites at all, but rather this.
One warning sign of a heart attack is pressure or pain in the upper back. We explain what it feels like and how to recognize the signs of a heart attack.
Normal poop sinks to the bottom of the toilet bowl. Every once in a while, though, you might have floating poop. Here's why you probably shouldn't worry.
White specks in your urine can sometimes point to a health condition, but there are cases in which they are entirely normal. Here's how to know what they mean.
Pain that resonates in the back of the head can occur for a number of different reasons. But there's one common headache trigger that you may never suspect.
Foamy urine can be shocking to see at first, and may even lead you to think that you have a serious disease. But when is it actually time to see a doctor?
Every once in a while, you get the urge to scratch your skin. While having itchy skin is normal, in some cases, it can be a sign of cancer. Here's how to tell.
According to research, you're more likely to suffer from a heart attack in the morning because of higher stress hormone levels. Here's how to reduce your risk.
Have you ever noticed that your fingernails or toenails hurt when pressure is applied to them? Here are some reasons why you feel pain when they're pressed.
Cellulitis is a condition you don't want to ignore. Acting early rather than later can save you complications. These are the telltale signs to watch for.
While many heart attack risk factors are physical, research suggests that emotions like feeling angry may also play a role. Here's what scientists have learned.
What happens to your body if you swallow too much toothpaste while brushing your teeth? More importantly, what exactly does "too much toothpaste" look like?
Have you ever wondered how long it would really take for a person to bleed to death? Here's the answer - as well as what you should do in order to prevent it.
Alzheimer's disease is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. Fortunately, there are foods you can eat to help reduce your risk of developing it.