Considering it's all too easy to form bad habits when using gym equipment, let's take a look at some popular machines you've likely been using incorrectly.
Whether you're lovesick, crushing on someone new, or once bitten/twice shy, there's no question that Cupid's arrow leaves a mark. Read on to find out why.
Considering many of us use beauty products every day, it's important to know what's in our cosmetics. These are some ingredients you won't want to see.
Although wrinkles are a natural part of aging, habits and environmental factors can contribute to premature fine lines. Here are some habits to be aware of.
As it happens, there are a surprising number of foods out there that might actually be making you eat more. Let's take a look at some of these culprits.
Changes in blood sugar don't just affect diabetics. Here are a few surprising things that can drive up your blood sugar or make it plummet below normal levels.
Some workouts are definitely better than others when it comes to calorie burn. Read on to learn about some of the best calorie-burners to squeeze in each week.
Your eyes have plenty to tell you, but it's not always easy to get what they're saying. So here's a guide to help you know when the message is an urgent one.
Conventional wisdom holds that our noses keep growing as we age. Seeing photos of ourselves in our 20s versus our 70s seems to confirm this, but is it true?
While some popular weight loss tips may lead to temporary results, many just don't work in the long term. Here's a look at some of the worst offenders.
Any sunburn is bad enough, but in some cases, you may notice blisters starting to form on the burned area of the skin. Is this normal, or cause for concern?