Cortisol is sometimes referred to as the stress hormone. It is also used to regulate systems in your body, and plays an important role in normal body function.
Have you ever wondered why your feet are hurting? We've put together a list of several things you might be doing to cause discomfort and pain in your feet.
You don't have to be intimidated if you're new to yoga. It's a practice, and everyone has to begin, well, at the beginning. Here's all beginners need to know.
Approximately 1 in 7 Americans have varying degrees of kidney disease and damage, though many of them don't even know it. These are some signs to watch for.
If you have frequent abdominal and digestive symptoms, it's possible you have Crohn's Disease. Read on for everything you need to know about this condition.
While bug bites can certainly be uncomfortable, they are also common. Here are a few types of bug bites and stings, their symptoms, and how best to treat them.
Society is moving toward a holistic approach to treating anxiety, and this includes looking at the food we eat. Here are some foods that may help ease anxiety.
Salads are the quintessential health food, but their actual nutritional value depends a lot on the toppings you add. Here are some to add, and some to avoid.
Before taking a new supplement, consult your doctor to make sure it's appropriate for your needs. Here are things that shouldn't be on your supplements list.
Just like what we eat, our beverage choices can sometimes make or break a good night's sleep. Some surprising culprits for bad rest are hiding in plain sight.
Gyms are particularly stringent around cleanliness standards, especially these days. Still, our own behavior can make our workouts a little less than hygienic.
If you've been pumping weights but not seeing the results you hope for, it could be a matter of diet. Read on to learn what foods will help you build muscle.
Even if you're a fan of this tart pink beverage, you may not know about the health benefits that drinking hibiscus tea can bring. Read on to learn more.