The lungs are not indestructible, and they are still vulnerable to diseases like pneumonia. Here are the causes, symptoms, and treatments of pneumonia.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder affects about 1% of Americans, and can be a debilitating mental health condition. Here's everything you need to know about OCD.
Those who experience vertigo — or the sensation of being off-balance and feeling as if the room is spinning — typically have an issue within the inner ear.
Caused by damage to the epidermis, peeling skin is rather common. Wondering why it's happening to you? Here's a look at the things that could be causing it.
If you're one of the many Americans with some degree of vision loss, you may be considering glasses. Here's what happens to your body if you wear them daily.
Both vital muscles for posture, our abs and butt provide us with stability and power. These combo exercises will fire up your glutes and abs at the same time.
Amoxil is an FDA-approved antibiotic. They will understand why amoxicillin is prescribed, its potential interactions, dosage, typical side effects, and more.
Though hot flashes can happen because of different medical conditions, they are quite common during menopause. Here are some foods that can help prevent them.
Here's what you can expect during your second trimester of pregnancy. Many of your symptoms during your first trimester will subside, but new ones will pop up.
While weight loss maintenance can be hard, it's not impossible. In fact, it gets easier over time. Here are 14 simple ways to maintain your weight loss.
Migraines come with their own fair share of false information. We've uncovered some of the myths around this neurological disease. Read on for the details.
It can be challenging to find the right therapist. More importantly, knowing if the therapist you're seeing is right for you. Read on for all the details.
Proponents of the alkaline diet state that modifying your food intake can alkalize your blood to counter acidosis and prevent the onset of chronic diseases.
There is currently no cure for lupus, but symptoms can be managed with medical treatments and lifestyle changes. Here's what you need to know about the disease.
What is intensity? Does it have anything to do with impact? The two may sound alike, but knowing the difference can help you find the best exercises for you.