Post-menstrual syndrome may be premenstrual syndrome's lesser-known sister condition, but for those who experience it, it's just as real and burdensome.
Have you ever wondered how a tension headache might feel? We've got all the details right here, so you can be informed the next time a headache creeps on.
There are many kinds of skin cancer. Basal and squamous cell carcinomas are most common, occurring in cells that may or may not be highly exposed to sun rays.
It's no surprise that the effects of stress have a negative impact on your well-being. But can too much stress leave you at a greater risk of developing cancer?
Stopping steroids abruptly or not following a prescribed plan to decrease the dosage gradually can lead to steroid withdrawal, which can create new problems.
Having the flu can feel like you've been hit by a truck. If you start showing flu-like symptoms, here are some of the things you should do (and avoid doing).
Here's everything you should know about jaundice -- the types of jaundice, their causes and symptoms, the risks involved, and the best treatment options.
If you've recently discovered you're pregnant, you may wonder if there are any early signs that you're carrying two or more. Read on for what you should know.
Most alcohol is made by fermenting natural starch and sugar, which contributes to its calorie load. Luckily, you don't have to swear off booze altogether.
The last few months of your pregnancy are vital, as your body gears up for giving birth. Here's what you can expect during your third trimester of pregnancy.
Though exercise is beneficial to everyone, it may trigger flare-ups in those with acid reflux. Here are some tips to help you avoid uncomfortable symptoms.
Aside from normal fluctuations, many things can cause periods to come early, such as hormone imbalances, lifestyle habits, and certain medical conditions.
It's important to treat your body right when you're recovering from the flu, not only to ease your way out of it, but also to avoid prolonging your illness.
Hand washing is vital to preventing the spread of disease, but if you're making these common mistakes, you may not be getting clean enough. Read on for more.
While it can definitely be challenging to figure out what self-care looks like for you, it's essential to work it into your lifestyle. Here are some ways.