Pizza Hut may not always be the best choice for healthy eating. However, there are some healthier options on their menu that won't completely derail your diet.
A major part of modern medicine, antibiotics have saved millions of lives. But what happens to your body when you take them - or worse, when you misuse them?
Parkinson's disease can be a scary diagnosis, partly because of the many myths surrounding the condition. Here's the truth behind some of the most common ones.
How do you determine if Planet Fitness Gym is just right for you and your fitness goals? Here's everything you need to know about the popular gym chain.
Egg protein is high-quality, and may even aid in weight loss. But what about the cholesterol in eggs? Read on to find out what happens if you eat eggs daily.
Espresso affects a wide variety of body functions, from mood to energy level to sleep habits. Here's what happens to your body when you drink espresso daily.
There are numerous types of sunscreen made for different uses, skin types, and sun sensitivity needs. This guide will help you understand the various SPF terms.
Getting a hysterectomy is a major decision, and there's a lot of information out there about it. Here are some myths and misconceptions you should dismiss.
Sickle cell disease is an illness that can arise from inherited genetic mutations. Here's what you need to know about its symptoms, causes, and treatments.
If you are among the 39 million people that suffer from migraines, it may be worth giving Cefaly a try. Here are the pros and cons of using this device.
How does the pain and trauma of a failed friendship affect a person's health? Here are some ways your well-being may be impacted when a friendship fizzles out.
Deep tissue is a kind of massage that targets your deep muscles and tissues to help them repair and regain functionality. Here's what it might do to your body.
Acne is a skin condition that is common in teenagers and adults. Surprisingly, babies can develop acne as well. Here are its symptoms, causes, and treatments.
The early weeks of pregnancy are also the most crucial. Here are all the changes you can expect during this period, what they mean, and how to navigate them.
With its Latin roots, fun music, and motivating atmosphere, Zumba blends traditional aerobic exercise with lively dance moves. Here's why you should try it.
Weight loss scams have been around for about as long as humanity's desire to lose weight. Here's a list of some of the biggest weight loss scams of all time.
A growing body of research supports a variety of possible health benefits related to therapeutic illicit drug use, despite its risks. Here are a few examples.
Barry's Bootcamp has been called one of the most challenging and effective workouts for burning fat and toning muscles. Here's what you need to know about it.
Anaphylaxis can be fatal, and knowing how to respond to it can save your life or the life of someone around you. Here are some of its unexpected triggers.
Hypochondriasis can cause significant distress and interfere with daily functioning. Learn the signs and symptoms, and when you should contact a doctor.
Why do eyebrow twitches happen in the first place, and how can you stop them? Here are some of the possible reasons why your eyebrow won't stop twitching.
Produced in the testes, testosterone is a sex hormone that plays a significant role in male development. However, it's possible to have low levels of it.