Bananas are a staple in most kitchens. This fruit is delicious and packed with nutrients. Here's why you should throw some in your next bowl of oatmeal.
There are nine water-soluble vitamins. So how are they different from fat-soluble vitamins, and just how much of these vitamins do our bodies need daily?
There are 13 essential vitamins, of which four are fat-soluble. But what does fat-soluble mean and how much of each of these vitamins do we need daily?
Onions give food a flavor that always leaves us wanting more. However, the downside to eating onions is that they can impact your journey towards weight loss.
What are healthy beverage options that taste just as good as regular soda? For many, this alternative is diet soda. But is diet soda really any healthier?
Subway is a popular sandwich chain known for its customization options. Although they're known as a healthy option, you may want to reconsider your next visit.
Coffee before breakfast can contribute to the production of stomach acid, create indigestion and heartburn, and boost production of the stress hormone cortisol.
Because aloe vera gel has a cooling effect, it can soothe irritations of the skin. But are there other health benefits to be gained from aloe vera juice?
Beans are among the most common foods consumed throughout the world. Yes, beans are popular! But does eating beans every day lead to potential side effects?
Many Americans do not get enough fiber but, thankfully, there are plenty of foods loaded with fiber that can help you up your intake of this important carb.
It's no secret that pasta is a big no-no for low-carbohydrate diets, but even if you aren't dieting, you may be carb-loading without even realizing it.
Choosing a healthy loaf of bread can be overwhelming. There's now another popular ingredient to be on the lookout for on the label -- white whole wheat.
If you're worried this key mineral may be missing from your overall health regimen, these are signs to look out for if you suspect you have a zinc deficiency.
Ginger is a flowering plant whose root has been used for flavor and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Here are the health benefits of this perennial.
If you've ever researched vitamins, you've probably come across the term "water-soluble" to describe some of them. Here's what you should know about them.