Bee pollen, a combination of pollen, honey, enzymes, and other compounds, is touted for its health benefits. So how exactly does bee pollen affect the body?
On hot summer days, it's a common American pastime to light up the grill. But this cooking method can have some serious downsides. Read on to learn more.
Muffins are an easy grab-and-go option for hectic days, but they're often filled with refined carbohydrates, processed sugars, and a large amount of oil.
You may have been told not to sear meat in extra virgin olive oil, but why? It has to do with the smoke point. But what's a smoke point, and why does it matter?
A daily multivitamin can be a great way to fill in nutritional gaps, but how do you know which multivitamin is best for you? Find out what to look for here.
If you have a cold sore or feel a flare-up coming on, there are a few foods you may want to avoid. Read on to learn which foods can interfere with healing.
Though the rutabaga isn't as popular as some other vegetables, it has health perks that might make it a worthwhile addition to your diet. Find out more here.
Red meat has a mixed reputation with doctors and nutritionists, but it can have some surprising health benefits. Learn more about the perks of red meat here.
Do you want an egg replacement that comes free with the ingredients you buy for hummus? Are you vegan and want to make meringues? Aquafaba is your solution.
You may think that eating healthy is all salads, no restaurants, and no fun. Not so! Take a look at some foods that are actually healthier than you think.
Avocados are a delicious addition to many meals and provide numerous health benefits. But you really want to avoid them if you're taking this medical test.
Garlic can add flavor to almost any dish, but is it possible to eat too much of it? Find out what happens to your body when you overindulge in this bold herb.
Kimchi is a traditional Korean side dish that's not only tasty, but has some unexpected health benefits. Find out the surprising perk of eating kimchi.