Cutting fish from your diet could boost your risk of depression, stroke, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, cognitive issues, and hearing loss.
Sweet potatoes and yams are terms often used interchangeably, and while the two vegetables are tubers, they are not the same thing. Which is healthier for you?
Gelato and ice cream are popular frozen treats that can really hit the spot on a hot summer day, but what exactly is the difference between the two desserts?
Health experts are far from united in their opinions on the health benefits of downing a glass of lemon water first thing every morning before breakfast.
IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, is a condition that affects the large intestine. Fortunately, dietary changes can help manage symptoms in some people.
We know that sliced turkey meat comes from turkey, and that a chicken filet comes from a chicken, but what about bologna? What exactly is in this mystery meat?
If you're interested in the idea of having pasta every day, here's the rundown on what you should consider and how you should expect your body to react.
Olives can be a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, but when most people eat olives, they're also eating everything they were processed and packaged with.
Coffee lovers rejoice! There is yet another health benefit you can add to the list of why giving up your beloved morning latte is simply not an option.
Maple syrup is a sweetener that's often touted as a healthier option than sugar or honey. Is this true? Read on to learn its surprising health benefits.
If you stop for fast food almost every night, you may be tempted to hide that fact from your doctor. But it is important to be honest with your physician.
Does caffeine have any long-term side effects on our body and mind? Are these side effects worth the kick that we get from our favorite daily cup of coffee?