It's time to pull back the curtain a little more and really get to know what fuels President Joe Biden. Some of the foods in his diet may surprise you!
How exactly does a lack of variation in your diet get in the way of health? Join us as we get into the pros and cons of eating the same thing every day.
Energy drinks have remained controversial pretty much since they went mainstream. However, some types of these popular beverages are healthier than others.
Whether you love mushrooms as a regular part of your diet or prefer to steer clear of them, there's good reason for most of us to start eating more of them.
While tomatoes are often touted as a healthy food rich in vitamins and antioxidants, they can be a dietary source of pain for those prone to heartburn.
Some people eat food with activated charcoal to achieve certain health benefits and relieve gas or bloating. But is activated charcoal really safe to eat?
Vitamin F deficiency can result in dry, flaky skin as well as more serious issues, such as an inflamed prostate, vision and heart problems, and memory issues.
Dried fruits are chock-full of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, but you still need to watch your portions. They are called "nature's candy" for a reason.
While all apples are healthy, there are some varieties that may contain more nutrients than others, but any apple can provide you with the nutrients you need.