You might be surprised by how little you need to spend at the grocery store for healthy stuff. Here are some budget-friendly foods to add to your shopping cart.
Many of us were fed crackers when sick as a child. But is there any research suggesting they actually help with nausea? Here's what the experts have to say.
When happy hour rolls around, people across the globe like to usher in the evening with gin. Here's what'll happen to your body when you drink gin every night.
Hangovers can be an unpleasant experience, to say the least. Fortunately, there are foods you can eat to help you feel better. Here's what made the list.
Water is an important part of our everyday diets and can keep us functioning well. But is there such a thing as drinking too much water? Here are the risks.
Whole grains and enriched grains have some important distinctions between them. Here's what they could mean for your health and how to choose between them.
Avocados are a delicious addition to any diet. Fortunately, they may be able to provide some pretty important health benefits for women. Here's what they are.