Smoothie bowls are a popular breakfast choice these days, delicious and seemingly nutritious. But on closer look, how good for you are these concoctions?
Oranges are one of the best fruits to eat, and they certainly have a lot going for them, but does eating one a day give you all of the vitamin C you need?
There are many things you can do to ensure your heart stays healthy, like staying physically active, refraining from smoking, and eating a healthy diet.
There is a variety of health benefits to be gained from regularly eating fish, as it's high in protein, selenium, and vitamin D, while low in saturated fat.
Lentils are a popular way to jazz up salads, soups, and even veggie burgers. But for some, this mighty little legume can cause unpleasant side effects.
Salad can be a delicious and healthy start to any meal. But surprisingly, there may be benefits to eating it after a meal instead, particularly dinner.
Cabbage and Brussels sprouts are two cruciferous vegetables so packed with fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals they're considered "super veggies."
Bacon is a popular breakfast food, but health experts warn you may not want to put it on your plate. Here are some bacon alternatives to consider instead.
Muscle soreness can be a symptom of conditions like Lyme disease or multiple sclerosis, or the flu, dehydration, strenuous exercise, or a lack of this vitamin.
Calling all meat-eaters and flexitarians. Join us in the great debate between eating sheep versus beef. Does one selection trump the other? Is one healthier?
If you're in the mood for a salty snack, you might be tempted to reach for fries or potato chips, which tend to be high in calories, sodium, and saturated fat.
People with diabetes on medication to control glucose levels and treat high blood pressure or high cholesterol could put themselves at risk by drinking alcohol.
Food swamps are areas where there are more fast food and unhealthy eating options than healthy ones. Unfortunately, this impacts the health of many people.
While it's easy to assume they coincide seamlessly, the truth is that some vitamins may hinder the function of others. Is this true of vitamins C and B-12?
Whether cutting out gluten is necessary for your health or is simply a lifestyle choice, you could be cutting out important nutrients that keep you healthy.