The benefits of spinach might give you the idea that a spinach wrap is a healthier choice when it comes to tortillas, but the truth is a different story.
Your senses can actually give you a pretty good idea of whether it's time to toss your leftover chicken or not. Here is how long it will last in your fridge.
Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory health benefits, but how safe is it to put a whole clove in your ear to treat infection?
When you store ice cream in the freezer, how long can it keep before it needs to be tossed? After all, ice cream is frozen by nature. So does it ever expire?
Bananas are a great source of fiber and are loaded with antioxidants and amino acids that can help digestion, lower your risk of heart disease, and more.
Memory loss is common as we age. But struggling to remember often can affect our quality of life. Here are some supplements that can help boost our memory.
Potatoes are king of the vegetable world. We enjoy them as hash browns, french fries, or mashed, usually without skins. But are the skins good for your health?
If you find you need a cup of coffee to power through a productive evening, but struggle to fall asleep when you want to, try eating this food to help.
Cantaloupe is just as healthy as it is delicious. This favorite summertime fruit boasts lots of vitamin A, folate, copper, potassium, and beta-carotene.
Tomatoes are full of vitamins and antioxidants that support good health. Plus, they pack a powerful ingredient that can be especially beneficial to men.
Collagen supplements promise to bring up collagen levels that decrease with age, but there are steps you can take to make sure you are getting the most of them.
Figs have a sweet, rich, honeyed taste that's delicious. But besides their yumminess, figs can do wonders to ease an unwelcome and uncomfortable common ailment.
Smoothie bowls are a popular breakfast choice these days, delicious and seemingly nutritious. But on closer look, how good for you are these concoctions?