Even salad that's remained sealed will eventually expire. So when should we toss out salad that's been prepared versus bagged salad that's been unopened?
Claims about this fermented apple cider vinegar say it aids in weight loss and supports blood sugar, but is it a probiotic? Here's what you need to know.
Storing — and promptly eating — leftovers is a great way to cut down on food waste, but here's the unhealthy mistake you might be making with leftovers.
Intuitive eating is a rebellion against the "toxic" diet mentality that's permeated our culture for decades. Here are some things that you should know about it.
Greens powder is full of potential, from boosting energy to preventing chronic disease. Try some in your smoothie or in your meals. We've got the recipes!
You probably know the importance of a regular oral health routine, but you may not know that some foods can help keep your teeth strong. Read on for the scoop.
If you have trouble weaning off processed foods, it's not your fault, but because we love you and want the best for you, here are some reasons you should try.
Some foods keep you running on high energy for hours while others actually make you feel more tired almost as soon as you have eaten them. This is why.
Spray cheese is such a quick and easy way to add gooey goodness to your food, from baked potatoes to tortilla chips to omelets. But is it good for you?
Fermented foods have incredible benefits. And did you know just how many there are that you can easily add to your diet? Keep reading to get all the deets.
Sesame milk is the latest dairy-free milk option gaining popularity in plant-based food world. But what is sesame milk and is it actually good for you?
Nowadays, you can include protein powder in your diet to make up for proteins that are lacking in your foods. What liquids should you mix protein powder with?