Have you ever stopped to consider if sports drinks are actually hydrating to your body? The answer might be a little nuanced depending on what kind you pick up.
Eating tuna that's been stored improperly can make you susceptible to foodborne illness. This is what the USDA advises when it comes to storing canned tuna.
Your microwave can be so convenient for cooking. However, the USDA doesn't recommend cooking this one particular food in the microwave for an important reason.
Do you enjoy starting your day with a cup of coffee? Research suggests that this habit can actually help in preventing a few serious health conditions.
With our busy schedules, it can be hard to find time to cook healthy meals at home. But are Healthy Choice frozen meals as healthy as they claim to be?
Kombucha's popularity has surged over the past several years. But people looking for a health boost may encounter an unexpected side effect with this drink.
If a manufacturer wants to use a new food additive, it must submit research showing it is safe. However, these two types of additives do not need FDA approval.
You're on the road and your stomach is starting to growl. What can satisfy your cravings? Check out these healthy (and tasty) gas station snack options.
Unsurprisingly, eating canned tuna can help you move further along in your weight-loss journey. There are a few things to take note of, however. Read on.
Vending machines may not conjure up images of healthy snacks. Thus, you may find it surprising that these snack-packed devices do offer healthy choices.
Microwaves have their own way of working, so food cooks a little differently in them. Here's the one risk the FDA warns of when preparing food in a microwave.
If you've found a stray K-Cup in your drawer, you might wonder if it's still good enough to use. But the answer is a little more nuanced than you think.
Water is always an optimal choice for hydrating after a workout, but these are some of the best post-workout drinks that aren't water. Some might surprise you.
When it comes to meat, mold is generally not a good sign. Some types of molds can cause illness. However, there are some meats that get a pass, including these.
Popcorn tends to have a reputation as a junk food snack for comfy movie nights. But would you believe that it actually has a hidden nutritional benefit?
There are some disadvantages to sticking to a high-protein diet, including constipation. Here's how this conscious lifestyle choice affects your bowel movement.
Large quantities of energy drinks every day could cause a range of side effects. For growing children, they could also have an effect on height. Here's why.
Despite all of the myths you may have encountered while preparing for a night of drinking, one supplement may actually help prevent your next hangover.
Is canned tuna a regular part of your diet? According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, there's a specific type of canned tuna that you should avoid.
Are you an avid runner? Your diet has a huge impact on your performance. Here are 5 of the best and 5 of the worst foods you can eat for training and recovery.
Alzheimer's disease is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. Fortunately, there are foods you can eat to help reduce your risk of developing it.
A new TikTok food trend is going around, and this one is delicious and healthy. The yogurt magic shell trick adds decadent chocolate to protein-rich yogurt.
Prime Energy packs a punch when it comes to caffeine content and experts claim that it may pose potential health risks to consumers, especially children.