You probably try to avoid garlic before having sex so you don't have garlic breath, but there's a type of vegetable that may want to avoid eating as well.
Can the secret to effective heartburn relief lie in the use of a popular spice? Research has revealed some unexpected things about this spice rack mainstay.
When it comes to grocery shopping, canned goods are a popular choice. This particular canned protein, however, may not be as healthy as it appears to be.
Drinking a smoothie every day can help you reach your daily allowance of fruits and veggies, but did you know it can also have an effect on your blood pressure?
Common store-bought pasta sauce brands contain an ingredient that can be quite concerning since it can raise your bad cholesterol. Here's what to look for.
As you age, your skin changes; but what if we told you that eating one specific nutritious and delicious fruit might actually be able to help you look younger?
Queen Elizabeth II has been said to enjoy eggs. Rather than using salt and pepper, however, she preferred a unique flavor with certain health benefits.
If social media influencers are to be believed, a certain yellow fruit may be the key to solving your constipation woes. But what does science say about it?
HDL cholesterol is also called the "good" cholesterol for a few reasons, so you'll want to make sure your levels are high enough. Enter this colorful vegetable.
The presence or absence of certain foods in your diet can affect your health in different ways. Eating (or avoiding) peanut butter may impact your blood sugar.
Garlic is an herb with many health benefits, including lowering cholesterol. For men, garlic may offer more benefits yet, especially with their sex life.
With one particular health condition, you might have cloudy urine as a symptom. Here's how eating peanut butter can effect your pee if you have this condition.
Peanut butter can certainly fit into a healthy, well-rounded diet, but all that saturated fat can put you at risk. Fortunately, there are alternatives.
One out of every 4 men has low testosterone. Given that diet can affect testosterone, we'll explore how eating peanut butter might affect this hormone.
There are two kinds of people: those who enjoy spicy food and those who don't. However, you may also want to avoid peppers if you have this medical condition.
Over the years, much has been said about the connection between blood pressure and egg consumption. But what does research show about this dietary concern?
Eating cashews every day can benefit the body in a number of ways. Interestingly, this popular snack also has potential effects on a person's bowel movements.
It takes holistic effort - diet, exercise, and sometimes medication - to manage high cholesterol. If you include eggplant in your diet, here's how it can help.
Constipation got you fidgeting in your seat? Snack on this popular fruit to get things going instantly -- but make sure to pick one that's already ripe.