Oranges are packed full of vitamin C, an essential vitamin and powerful antioxidant that can boost your immune system to help fight off colds and disease.
Fast food isn't healthy. It's an easy rule, but it's a little harder to keep in mind when it comes to something like McDonald's grilled chicken sandwich.
If you've ever struggled to lose weight, keeping a food diary, whether it's on paper or in an app on your smartphone may be more helpful than you'd expect.
While baby food is meant to fill a little one's appetite, adults have turned to eating the purees as part of a weight-loss trend — but there are risks involved.
This mostly raw, plant-based diet is based on a passage from the Bible. There are potential benefits, but the plan can lead to nutritional deficiencies.
The 80/10/10 diet was designed to promote longevity and optimize health, but this restrictive eating plan may not meet your body's nutrition requirements.
The Nutritarian diet promises you'll lose weight and keep it off. And Joel Fuhrman, the physician who created it, claims you'll reach your peak health, too.
Some new products on the market promise to give you the caffeinated experience via non-coffee drinks or even food. But is eating your caffeine a good idea?